About Us
We are Deductible Relief Foundation. Help homeowners who are in need of financial assistance after a natural disaster. We are based in New Orleans, Louisiana so we are familiar with disasters. When a natural disaster strikes, such as a hurricane, we help pay for the homeowners insurance deductibles.
Very often people have insurance but not the funds to pay the deductible to the insurance deductible. without the deductible paid to the construction company first, homeowners can not to begin to repair the damage caused by a natural disaster. This is where we come in!
Deductible Relief Foundation is committed to helping homeowners fund their insurance deductible when a natural disasters strikes. We help provide the funding of their deductible to speed up the process of repairing their home created by a natural disaster. Our mission is to help homeowners get back in to their homes as safely and quickly as possible.
Our Mission
Our wish is to partner with communities and donors to help get our funds to help disaster victims who qualify and are in need.
Founding Members
James Brown-President
Mr. Brown has 20+ years in the re-construction and disaster relief industry.
Shira Lurie-Treasurer
Ms. Lurie has 20+ years experience in organizing and finance aspects of small and medium companies.
Carrie Glass- Vice President
Mrs. Glass has over 25+ years experience in the higher education financial aid industry.
Contact Us
We are Deductible Relief Foundation.We Help homeowner’s who are in need of financial assistance after a natural disaster. We are based in New Orleans, Louisiana so we are familiar with disasters. When a natural disaster strikes, such as a hurricane, we help pay for the homeowner’s insurance deductibles.